Why didn’t God Talk about Snapchat in the Bible?

The beginning stages of raising teens is haaaaarrrd.  It is a huge learning curve. It is holding all the things I want to say with an open hand. It is discovering the best timing to speak words that guide. This entrance into adulthood means letting them experience failure, rejection, and heartache while walking beside them offering understanding. The next few posts will be some truth nuggets I am learning along the way about parenting teens. Please share your own truth nuggets in the comments, we are all learning as we go!!

First Truth Nugget on Raising Teens

Be Present

Teens might act like they do not want to talk to us…ever.  The truth is, they just want to know that we are safe, that if they share something with us, we will not get angry or make them feel judged.  We make time each night, when our kids finally sit in the same room with us and seem to want to be around us, to turn off the phone, and ask questions. It often takes a few minutes, but they realize we want to talk to them and they begin to share their hearts.  The best times are when I have one kid in the car on the way to soccer, dance, or piano. They have my full attention, besides maneuvering my vehicle. I am there to listen to their hurts and their joys.

James 1:19 My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.

We don’t always have to have the right answer, or even wise advice.  It is invaluable to just be there to listen to their concerns, their hopes and dreams.  Be excited with them, sad with them, empathize with their anger and hurt when they are sharing their hearts.  Then, when the time is right, God gives us just the right words to guide or encourage.