Crack! The ball soars into the outfield. Droopy pants, and hand me down cleats bolt to the base; looking into the stands with a toothless grin, waving to his biggest fan. All the hard work and rained out practices have paid off. He is proud, he loves the game.

Cleats-check, ball-check, jerseys-check, water bottle-check, shin guards-wait… “Moooom. Do you know where my shin guards are? I left them on the floor last night, they should be here!” She flips her hair into a tall ponytail, her beauty, even in a jersey, takes my breath away.

“Really, the floor, because I’m sure I’ve told you….(deep breath), ok let me help you find them.”

Responsibility, commitment, teamwork, perserverance. All of these qualities are being explored, built, and refined for our children through activities and sports they participate in. God never informed me that these would refine me as well. Early mornings, rain soaked shoes, long days at the field, ingratitude. I make a choice-impatience and selfishness, or sacrifice and service. I often wish I could be at home reading a good book with a glass of wine instead of shivering under a blanket watching my favorite goalie. These days will be over in the blink of an eye. College visits are on the horizon, the hugs and waves from the field are less. I have been gifted with the beautiful job of loving these kids, being there for every game in presence or through texts and snack bags when the schedule is too full.

I hope to offer words of wisdom and support, modeling God’s constant care and presence in their lives by being there, cheering them on.

“You tried your best! You’ll do better next time. Keep your head up. I loved watching you today. What a great hit! I love you!”

As we walk with our kids, lifting them up when they fall, buying ice cream when they need a character boost; we have the opportunity to show Christ’s love, mercy, and wisdom. I have to choose not to yell when they can’t find their shoes for the hundredth time. I work hard to hold back words of correction and offer words of encouragement. I offer hugs after a hard lost game. “You are loved, I’m your biggest fan, well done. I am so proud of you!”

With drenched shoes, and ice cold fingers, we remember we are not the only ones who sacrificed for those we love. Though they may not realize how much, one day they will. When they realize they are so very loved, they will soar and love others in the same way. By this, we teach them what love is, sacrifice, perserverance.

“Hit it in the outfield sweetie! You got this! Love you!”

When we enter these moments with love, and a serving heart, we demonstrate their worth. In the same way, God loves us and says, “Well done my good and faithful servant.”

Psalm 78:4 We will not hide these truths from our children;we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord,about his power and his mighty wonders.