It’s Not Fair (Teaching and Leading our Kids to Trust God When Life is Hard)


The words spoken from the lips of every child, “It’s not fair!” echo our own inner struggles as we consider why life can be hard, terrible things happen, and hope can disappear.  As parents, we want to give the world to our kids, a world of hope, adventure, opportunity, and love.  Yet, we know all too well, that disappointments come and opportunities are lost.  How do we help our kids navigate the storms of life when we often fail to do this ourselves? 

God knows our aching hearts and He has an answer. He extends a life preserver as we feel the overpowering waves threatening to drown us or our children, dragging them down into feelings of grief, sadness, depression, and rejection.  

Psalm 93:4 says, “But mightier than the violent raging of the seas, mightier than the breakers on the shore— the LORD above is mightier than these!”

2 Samuel 22: 17-19 “He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters. He rescued me from my powerful enemy, from my foes, who were too strong for me. They confronted me in the day of my disaster, but the Lord was my support. He brought me out to a spacious place.”

We do not need to fear a hopeless future for our children, we can rely on the promises of God and the truth of His salvation that has already been won for us.  We give our children this gift of hope as we lead them to the cross in every moment of pain, fear, anxiety, humiliation, and disappointment. In my next blog posts, I will zoom into different hardships our family has faced in life and how these experiences can help lead the way for our children to lay down their losses at the cross and experience the joy of trusting the Lord in the midst of difficulty.  The next post will be on March 27.  Please subscribe to my blog if you have not already.  I would also love to hear stories from each of you how difficulties have led to faith in your own lives.  Share in the comments, on Facebook, or share your stories with me via email.