This is is starting to feel like the movie Groundhog’s Day. Every. day. the. same…over and over. There are so many feelings about memories we won’t get to make, trips we didn’t take, friends and family we just want to go to and give a big hug. Feel all the feelings, cry if it helps. There are feelings about not choosing this homeschool life, nor wanting to accept the reality of being online for 10 hours a day. The darkness creeps in and threatens our joy.

Yet, glimmers of light shine in. I am proud of my kids who are rocking this self-directed learning. My oldest is heroically working at the grocery store most days to provide others with food. We are not stopped by the roadblocks of quarantine, we continue to be the Church, worshipping together, praying for one another. My teaching team is united and forging ahead daily with innovation and compassion to make this the best possible scenario for students and families. These moments of light shining in darkness reflect gratitude and joy.

Wrestling the morning hours with both sadness and hope, may hope be the victor in our battle. We have access to hope that will not fail us. There is one we can look to, whose wisdom is certain, whose strength is unfailing.

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. ‘The Lord is my portion,’ says my soul, ‘therefore I will hope in him.’” -Lamentations 3:22

As a family sheltered in place, we have been reading our Bibles together and praying each morning, one of those rays of light shining in darkness. Routine does not have to be monotonous. God speaks new truth, new hope, and reminds us of his love for us. Taking walks outside, we see new flowers, hear the chirping of birds, and see new life all around us.

We create art, music, laughter, acts of kindness. This takes the place of our sadness and new memories are made. God says to us, “You are the light of the world.” We offer hope by bringing light to others and choosing joy. Christ is the author of our hope, the true light in a dark world of sickness, pain, conflict, and sadness. May we seek the hope of Christ, may we bring hope by being light in this world.


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