God’s Grace for Lawnmower Parents

Psalm 5: 11
But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.

Have you heard the term helicoptor parent, or lawnmower parent? Do you fit into either label? Hovering over your child’s decisions, making sure they are safe always? Do you cut down anything in your child’s path that might be a struggle, attempting to keep them from harm at all costs? I have slipped into both categories a time or two. We all want what is best for our children and sometimes will go to any cost to make sure they receive it. We are currently in a culture, where the daily news broadcasts missing children, abductions, school shootings. When our children utilize social media, the doors fling wide open to potentially inappropriate videos, memes, even predators if we are not careful. How do you respond to a hostile world that is right at your children’s feet? Do we utilize the apps that track their every move and ensure their safety? Do we screen every friend, playdate, and family our child encounters? Some of these tools can help us react with knowledge in a world that is not as safe as we would like it to be. However, the fears will not be removed, and ultimately, their safety is not guaranteed. I love this verse that says we can take refuge in God, and have joy. That His protection can be spread over us, that if we love Him, we can rejoice and not fear. God, spread your protection over those who love You. We love you, we thank you that your protection is so much greater than any app, so much more certain than even my own ability to protect my child. Help us take refuge in You and trust that You love our kids, You love us more than we can possibly imagine!!