Sharing Christ with our Littlest Ones at Easter

When our kids were little, we wanted to ensure they were hearing the true message of Easter; Jesus’ love for them shown by His death and resurrection. Baskets, candy, and bunnies are certainly fun and find their place in our celebration. However it has been my heart’s desire to share the sweet love of Jesus even in the giving of an Easter basket. For this reason, and because Easter for us meant dad was at church when we all woke up, our egg hunts and baskets were given from us, without emphasis on the bunny. Our kids were equally as thrilled, and the yearly reminder of the Resurrection was the true gift received. Every year, I spent a lot of time at Easter searching book stores and looking for just the right books and gifts to remind my children of Christ’s love for them. As you might also be searching for these special faith-filled gifts, I want to share some of our family favorite gifts and books we have given over the years. Share your favorites in the comments and as we all plan for next year, may these be great ideas to fill our Easter baskets with the best gift of all.


  1. We loved to make Resurrection Cookies together – meringues that you put in the oven the night before. There is a Bible verse to read at each step of the recipe.

    1. Anne, that is such a fun tradition! I love how hands on activities to teach hard concepts engage the wonder of kids!

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