Hi friends, here’s to 2021. You may be a glass is half full kind of person, looking hopefully into this next year, or you may be fearing what the future holds focusing on what isn’t. I can feel both at times. I have walked through years in my life experiencing depression, grief, low-self esteem. God has led me out of those dark moments and given me the ability to see how my outlook and my priorities are game changers. Setting goals for myself, even if they are baby steps has helped me to zoom in on what I want to be intentional to prioritize. Matthew 6:21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. For me it is God, self(so I am better for others), family, friends and those in my sphere of influence. Here are some goals I plan to focus on as I enter a new year.

  1. Daily time to read the Bible (evening) and pray (in the car to work). These give me wisdom and perspective, and I believe in the power of prayer.

  2. Work out(also in the evening-not a morning person-no 6am class for me) and eat healthier (Brightline has worked for me, giving it a reboot). Both of these give me increased energy and help me take on life with a more positive outlook.

  3. Give my family words of  blessing and appreciation, helping them embrace their worth and potential. “You are such a good friend, you really listen to others”, “I appreciate how you look for ways to help others.”

  4.  Listen well and encourage, make time for others and what they enjoy. As an introvert, I can stay in my own world too much, I am choosing  to work on being an active friend.

Where do you want to spend your time, treasure, and energy this year? Remember you are loved first and these are only ways to live as a healthier, happier, and kinder you. Comment below what you are hoping to do more of this year. I am cheering you on! Go after the things you want for yourself and those you love!