Why do I follow Jesus?-Lent Week 1

I am a sinner. I yell at my kids to pick up their dirty socks at least 5 times a day. I fight with my husband over toothpaste in the sink, and demand my right to spend money however I choose. I choose to eat two bowls of ice cream in one day and waste my Planet Fitness membership because I would rather watch Chicago Fire. I have been known to swear a time or two, mmm probably a lot more. I judge other moms and women for their perfect hairdos, beautiful homes, way they spend their money, how they parent. I envy others and covet their things. I get overwhelmed, even to the point of depression.

I am a sinner. But God is holy, good, and completely loving. He wants to pour out His love on me, but my sin keeps me at a distance from a holy, loving God. This is my choice, I choose to meet my own needs and desires and ignore His wisdom. But God loves me too much to leave me in my selfishness. He says, “I love you.” “You are my beautiful daughter, my treasured possession.” “I have loved you with an everlasting love.” “You are precious in my eyes, and honored.” God tells us in His word that He loved us so much, He was willing to endure suffering to send His son, Jesus as a gift to demonstrate how much He truly loves us.

I know human life is no accident, there is a creator. This creator made me for a purpose, cherishes me, and gave His life for me. He did this so that He could share His love with me and help me walk a different path, away from sin and into the joy of knowing His love and forgiveness. So, I chose to accept this amazing gift from a loving God. My sins are forgiven because of Christ’s death. Because of this, I can experience freedom, peace, and strength to overcome my sinful desires that frequently lead to pain and unhappiness.

I have tried the weight loss apps, the parenting books, marriage counseling, retail therapy. These only give temporary help or enjoyment. There is only one thing in my life that has brought true lasting peace, healing, comfort, joy, and wisdom. Every time, when I turn to God and His love for me, He welcomes me with open arms. My sins are forgiven and tomorrow is a new day. Through Him, I can choose to live less selfishly because I live for Him and not for myself. God leads me to love, trust, patience, endurance, and kindness. So, I follow Jesus. Lent is a time to remember His sacrifice and to seek Him more. Will you consider how much God loves you? Will you allow Him to welcome you with open arms? I am forgiven. I am loved. So are you.


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