What can I give this Christmas? How can I show love and gratitude to those in my life who have given their all to me and to others? How can I show love to those who don’t know how to return it?
God is Emmanuel, God with us. God is love. Love came to be with us. This Christmas I am shifting my focus from what gifts I have to buy, to how I can demonstrate love through gifts, service, and time. We are trying to share these glimmers of grace, kindness, and hope with our kids. Going to the Nutcracker together, playing a song to demonstrate talents; these are gifts of gratitude. 60$ Nike sweatpants, not so much. Don’t think I’m a crazy Christian like Ned Flanders on the Simpsons-Imagination Christmas-I got a pretend pogo stick!! We are gifting our family with tangible gifts, a few things that are needed and one big want. Yet, it is not my responsibility to create the unspeakable joy on Christmas morning. Joy is in the knowing that Love came down to be with us, Emmanuel.
If joy is in material gifts, we will be let down. The joy will be fleeting and we will be on to the next thing we want to buy with our gift cards.
Lord, help me see the joy in your birth and ultimately, that you gave your life for all of us. Help us share this unimaginable joy and gratitude with our children and with others, as we give with love this Christmas.