“Aaaamen!” This was one of the first words our kids began to speak as they watched and listened to our ritual of praying before dinner. Even at 9 or 10 months old, babies are keenly aware of their parents’ words, actions, and facial expressions. It has always been our hearts’ desire to reflect daily faith for our children. Though we miss opportunities at times, we can help our children see a visible God by consistently pointing to God through reading of the Bible, praying at meals and bedtime, and serving others. Here are some intentional ways we have sought to build up our kids’ faith with an easy way to remember-eyes, hands, heart, life. In the next post, I will share more about each one. Subscribe or come back to read the next posts! I would love to hear your own ideas in the comments.

Eyes-God is truly everywhere, in the changing leaves, the snow falling, a tiny baby’s hands. Help your children admire God’s creativity by noticing all He has made and how incredible it is.

Hands –Make a meal for a family in need, invite friends over to share faith together, make cards for elderly or to say thank you.

Heart– 3 Things Prayer-Praise, Confess, Ask-At bedtime, take turns sharing 3 things 1) Tell God how amazing He is 2)Ask for forgiveness for something from the day-this one always helps me to be open with my kids about ways I may have acted wrongly towards them 3) Ask God to help loved ones, pray for what is on their hearts.

Life -Talk to your kids about ways to make a financial sacrifice as a family, this is especially significant at Christmas time. We have bought chicks for a family in need in an impoverished country, chosen to sponsor a child through Compassion International, and served together at a soup kitchen during the holidays. We have made ornaments to remember the ways we chose to give each year.